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HVAC Service in Austin: Allergy-Proofing Your Home This Spring

HVAC Service in Austin: Allergy-Proofing Your Home This Spring

As spring dawns, it brings a palette of vibrant colors and new life. However, for those with allergies, the season can also mark the beginning of a long battle with sneezing, watery eyes, and stuffy noses. At Airstrike HVAC, we understand the frustration of dealing with allergies and believe everyone deserves a comfortable home, no matter the season. Let’s explore effective strategies for allergy-proofing your Austin home before the spring season is in full swing.

Spring in Austin, Texas

Springtime in Austin brings a significant change in weather as it transitions from the cool days of March to the warm, summer-like temperatures of May. The region often enjoys a dry period during the initial months of spring. However, May typically brings showers and over four inches of rainfall. With the temperature increase, these rains make certain days intensely humid and muggy.

Some call Austin the “Allergy Capital of the World,” and allergy sufferers might find spring less of a respite and more of a battle against the very air they breathe. Pollen is the leading cause of seasonal allergies in the area, with varied flora releasing their pollen at varying intervals. Indoor allergens can also worsen allergy symptoms, making it essential to take necessary precautions for ultimate relief.

Strategies for Allergy-Proofing Your Home

Austin homeowners don’t have to be hopeless against allergies this spring season. Here are strategies to ensure a sneeze-free and comfortable living environment.


A clutter-free home is easier to clean and less likely to accumulate dust and allergens. Take this opportunity to declutter and organize your living spaces.

Clean Your Floors

Regular sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping help remove dust, pet dander, and other allergens from your floors. Use vacuum cleaners with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters for better results.

Wash Rugs and Mats

Rugs and mats can trap allergens, so wash them regularly. Consider using machine-washable rugs to simplify the cleaning process.

Wash Your Bedding

Bedding can harbor allergens, especially if it is not washed frequently. Wash your sheets, blankets, and pillowcases in hot water to get rid of dust mites and other allergens.

Replace Old Mattresses

Old mattresses can also accumulate dust mites and allergens over time. Consider replacing your mattress or using a hypoallergenic mattress cover.

Dust Your Furniture

Regular dusting with a damp cloth can prevent dust from settling on your furniture. Pay attention to neglected areas like bookshelves and corners.

Clean Your Cabinets and Appliances

Dust and debris can accumulate in cabinets and on household appliances. Wipe down surfaces regularly to minimize allergen buildup.

Get Rid of Food Waste

Food waste can attract pests and contribute to indoor allergens. Dispose of kitchen waste promptly and keep trash bins sealed.

Scrub Your Sinks and Tubs

Mold and mildew thrive in damp areas. Regularly clean sinks and tubs to prevent the growth of these allergen triggers.

Clean Your Toilets

Toilet bowls and surrounding areas can also collect dust and allergens. Regular cleaning ensures a healthier indoor environment.

Vacuum Your Carpets, Curtains, and Blinds

Carpets, curtains, and blinds can easily harbor dust and allergens. Regular vacuuming and cleaning help keep these areas allergen-free.

Rehome Your Plants

While indoor plants offer numerous benefits, they can also contribute to mold growth. Consider relocating plants or placing them strategically to minimize mold exposure.

Close Your Windows

While fresh air is beneficial, keeping windows closed during peak pollen seasons can significantly reduce indoor allergen levels.

Check for Leaks or Water Damage

Inspect your home for leaks and water damage, as damp environments promote mold growth.

Invest in Pest Control

Pests can introduce allergens into your home. Invest in pest control measures to keep unwanted critters at bay.

HVAC and Allergies

Besides regular cleaning, maintaining your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is crucial for indoor air quality.

HVAC refers to the systems used in residential and commercial buildings to regulate internal temperature and air quality. An efficient HVAC system is pivotal in screening potential allergens by circulating clean air through a series of filters.

How can you ensure that your HVAC system is effectively filtering allergens? Here are a few tips.

Replace Your Air Filters

Air filters are essential components within an HVAC system that trap and remove particles from circulating air. These filters are typically made from a fibrous material that captures contaminants such as dust, pollen, mold spores, pet dander, and bacteria, preventing them from reentering the indoor environment. Regularly changing air filters is vital to maintaining an efficient system and ensuring the highest indoor air quality.

Check Your Exhaust Fans and Vents

Exhaust fans pull moisture and airborne particles from an interior space and expel them outside, which is crucial in areas like bathrooms and kitchens where humidity and odors are prevalent. By contrast, vents are the passageways that allow air to flow from one space to another. Air vents are for intake, bringing fresh air in, or, for exhaust purposes, letting indoor air out. Regularly checking your exhaust fans and vents for debris buildup is crucial in maintaining proper airflow.

Remove Unit Covers and Clean Around AC Units

If you’ve been diligent in protecting your AC units during the colder months by securely covering them, spring is when you should uncover them. It’s also important to clean around the units, as debris and foliage may have accumulated during their dormant period. Cleaning these areas helps ensure proper airflow and prevents potential allergens from being brought into your home.

Check Your Temperature and Humidity

Maintaining the right temperature and appropriate humidity levels within your home is crucial to indoor air quality control. Not only does it create a comfortable environment, but it also helps inhibit the growth of allergens that thrive in overly humid conditions. Keeping a consistent temperature and using dehumidifiers when necessary can prevent these allergens from becoming a problem, ensuring that the air within your home remains clean and healthy.

Call for Professional HVAC Service in Austin for Allergy-Proofing

For many homeowners, maintaining HVAC systems can be overwhelming due to their complex nature involving multiple components and the necessity of regular inspections. Professional HVAC service providers have the necessary expertise and tools to ensure your systems are functioning at their optimal levels. Before spring, schedule thorough inspections with professionals to identify potential issues and provide appropriate solutions.

Airstrike HVAC Service Recommendations To Improve Indoor Air Quality

When it comes to ensuring your HVAC system is allergy-friendly, partnering with a reliable service provider is crucial. Airstrike HVAC, Austin’s trusted partner in heating and cooling solutions, offers comprehensive services to enhance indoor air quality. As locals, we understand the unique climate challenges of spring in Texas, so we recommend the following.

Seasonal Maintenance

Don’t let the shifting seasons send your HVAC system’s performance into ups and downs. By opting for Airstrike’s systematic seasonal maintenance, you’re investing in uninterrupted, peak operation of your climate control all year round. Our spring services include checking, cleaning, and applying the following HVAC components:

  • Thermostat Calibration

  • Refrigerant Pressure

  • AC Starting Capabilities

  • AC Safety Controls

  • Blower Components

  • Volts and Amps

  • All Moving Parts

  • Condensate Drain

  • Temperature Difference Between Supply Air and Return Air

  • Protective Coating

  • Cooling Cycle

  • Evaporator Coil

  • Installation Quality

  • Equipment Condition Area and Clearances

  • Condenser Coils

HVAC Repair

Airstrike also knows how HVAC disruptions can put your home and family’s comfort on hold. Our team of experts is ready to address any issue, big or small, to restore your system’s functionality swiftly. If you’re unsure which repairs your system needs, our technicians will inspect your system and provide solutions to resolve any issues. We’ll also guide you through all repair options and costs before beginning work so you can make an informed decision.

HVAC Installation or Replacement

If your current HVAC system isn’t keeping up, consider the cost-effective benefits of upgrading with Airstrike’s professional installation services. We specialize in equipping your home with the latest energy-efficient systems, focusing on perfecting performance and maximizing savings on your utility bills. Embrace a new level of comfort and dependability during spring with a modern HVAC system!

Call Us for Spring HVAC Services in Austin

As spring approaches, proactive steps to allergy-proof your home are essential for a healthy and comfortable living space. From decluttering to HVAC maintenance, every effort contributes to minimizing allergens.

Our team at Airstrike HVAC is ready to assist you in achieving a cleaner, healthier indoor environment. For a comprehensive HVAC service in Austin for allergy-proofing your home, call or text us at (512) 277-5449 or schedule an appointment online.

Embrace the beauty of spring without the discomfort of allergies. Contact Airstrike for expert HVAC assistance!

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